We support the Latinos Vote 2016 campaign.

As a member of the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) we are working to make sure that the 12 million eligible Latinos have the information and tools they need to register and vote on Election Day. NCLR partnered with MiTú to create a voter registration website, www.latinosvote2016.org, to make registering easy and convenient, especially for young voters.

The new app, Latinos Vote, allows users to seamlessly register to vote right from their smartphone. This targets a pivotal demographic as one million Latinos turn 18 every year.

In 2012, 11.2 million Latinos voted and made headlines. Today, there are more than 10 million Latinos eligible to register to vote. Many Latinos will be the first in their families to become a voter, and many of them say they do not know where to register. Working together we can make sure that they have the information and tools they need to register, and to vote on Election Day.