Familias goes on local Portland news channel KOIN!

Check out our Development + Communications Manager at Familias, Rachel joined by Bryn (TacovorePDX) sharing all about our Earth Day Oregon event happening between April 22-29, 2023 on local Portland news channel KOIN.

50% of sales on all Primavera Verde cocktails will go towards our mission to strengthen the health and well-being of Latino familias and communities.

New Podcast: Abuelas en Acción

We are excited to announce that our founding mother and first executive director, Marie Dahlstrom, along with Olga Gerberg, a beloved former staff member at Familias, and Dr. Rosemary Celaya-Alston, a former Executive Director of Familias, have all been working with Sam Williams, current Director of Academic Technology Services at the University of Portland and former Familias’ board member, to develop and release a new podcast: Abuelas en Acción. This podcast, hosted by Marie and Rosemary,  will focus on the following topics: health equity, economic justice, climate change and immigration. This podcast will also be dedicated to the steps we can take in our communities to actively address these topics and help one another be empowered and healthy.

This is an exciting development for Familias en Acción as the work we do is carried on by some amazing women and abuelas who understand the importance of Latino communities being informed and empowered so they can thrive.  With this new podcast, our media presence will grow and expand into communities by providing another outlet to not only learn about issues that affect Latino Health but also have a welcoming environment that encourages dialogue about difficult topics.  We hope that the stories of guests on the podcast will inspire us through understanding toward practical action—to break through limits.

If you would like to subscribe, share, or listen to the newly released first episode, please click on the link down below!

Abuelas en Acción Podcast