¡Conoce a nuestra CHW, Jocelin García!

Daughter of immigrants, Jocelin grew up in Salinas, CA, a small agricultural town in central California. Growing up, she moved a lot following her dad’s agricultural job and attended six different elementary schools. This led Jocelin to become adaptive and social.

Jocelin is proud that she grew up speaking Spanish as it allows her to connect with her community and to her roots. She grew up knowing that this was a tool that would allow her to give back to her community. 

Jocelin’s career led her to becoming a community health worker at Familias en Accion.  Cultivating relationships with her community to her is about “confianza” and feeling understood. It is about caring about others. She is a friend that will listen and provide the support to help people move forward. It is important to meet people where they are and  explain things in a way people can relate to, and it is especially important when we come from similar backgrounds, cultures and can speak in their same language. It’s truly a special connection.

Jocelin is enjoying being a part of the Abuela, Mamá y Yo program. In the program she gets to deepen her connection to the community by providing education and teaching them to take control over their health. 

She wants people to know, especially immigrants, that it’s ok to ask for help. It’s ok to not have everything together and to look for help outside of the circle that surrounds us to better not only our lives, but the lives of our families. Change comes when we exit comfort and learn to move in a different way.

Jocelin enjoys connecting with her garden that reflects her favorite color, green. And enjoys spending time with her little family, which includes her partner Daniel, her dog Mazapan and her cat Duvalin.

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