We invite all Latino/x/e-serving CHWs to complete the survey linked below!

Familias en Acción invites Community Health Workers serving Latino/x/e communities to provide their feedback and opinions for the 13th annual Latino Health Equity Conference. Even if you do not plan to attend, we value your input! This will help Familias en Acción make this conference a truly memorable experience for CHWs. 

Since CHWs are front and center in this year’s topic, and we at Familias understand all of the emotional labor that goes into this work, we really want to make the workshops/presentations for CHWs a healing experience. We also want to make the Day 2 celebration – which is specifically for CHWs – to include things that they enjoy and would appreciate seeing there.

We created a brief survey (5 min) to gather more information from Latino/x/e CHWs about what self care means to them and what types of presentations they would like to attend.

***All CHWs who complete the survey will be entered into a raffle to receive a $250 gift card to be used for any self care item or activity of their choosing.

Survey responses are due no later than March 31, 2022.

About the conference:

This year’s conference – The Power of Community – is dedicated to recognizing, uplifting, and learning from Community Health Workers (CHWs) and community based organizations who have been working on the frontlines throughout the pandemic. It is all about coming together to celebrate CHWs, and providing a platform to address gaps and changes needed in healthcare systems serving Latino/x/e communities. The two-day conference will be held on June 9th and 10th, 2022 and include a full day of speakers and presentations, followed by an afternoon celebration for CHWs.

Categories: Conference