“Hay que buscar ayuda, hay que buscar apoyo y no rendirse”
“We need to look for help, look for support and not give up”

El Señor Eliseo believes that you should never give up when facing a chronic disease. After being diagnosed with diabetes, he enrolled in our Tomando Control de su Salud (Chronic Disease Self-Management) health class. Our 6-week course provided him with skills that allowed him to make better decisions about his eating habits. Eliseo then decided to take what he learned even further, and started growing his own vegetables knowing that it would be beneficial to his health.

When Eliseo was trying to navigate the health system on his own, he was frustrated and stressed. His medical bills kept piling on without any ability to pay them. Familias en Acción was also help him apply for medical assistance, attend his appointments, and apply for health insurance. He now spends his time taking care of his vegetables that he shares with friends and families and with his fellow support group members. Eliseo tells his friends and co-workers to seek guidance and advice from agencies like Familias en Acción. 

El Señor Eliseo recently had surgery to remove a tumor. He did not hesitate to get the surgery since he knew his insurance would be covering it. He did not have to worry about medical bills and only focused on getting better. Eliseo continues to work in his garden and sharing not only the vegetables but the knowledge he’s been able to learn by navigating the health systems. “Hay que buscar ayuda, hay que buscar  apoyo y no rendirse”